Enterprise Risk Management

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is essential for organizations aiming for sustainability and growth. With the rise of digital transformation, global supply chains, and intricate regulations, traditional risk management methods fall short. Our ERM Program takes a holistic view, addressing strategic, operational, financial, and cybersecurity risks. By integrating risk management into all aspects of decision-making, it aligns risk appetite with strategic goals, bolstering resilience.

Our Approach

The ERM Program empowers businesses to tackle digital threats confidently. We blend guidelines from the NIST Cybersecurity Framework 2.0 and CIS 18 Critical Security Controls within a Capability Maturity Model (CMM), surpassing conventional cybersecurity measures. Our service goes beyond defense, enabling your business to thrive in a digitally focused world. We cover everything from securing your operations and ensuring compliance to optimizing cyber operations, with a strong focus on business impact.

Customer Benefits

With Access Point’s Enterprise Risk Management program, you gain robust protection against evolving threats and a strategic partner dedicated to enhancing your organization's resilience, compliance posture, and operational efficiency. When you subscribe to our ERM service, expect successes like these:

Compliance Clarity

Peace of mind knowing that your cybersecurity practices meet or exceed industry standards and regulatory requirements, reducing the risk of penalties and legal issues.

Optimized Resource Utilization

Maximize the efficiency of your cybersecurity investments, ensuring that limited resources are directed towards the most impactful areas.

Enhanced Business Continuity

Ensuring uninterrupted operational resilience amidst various disruptions.

Robust Data Protection

Safeguarding sensitive data from breaches in compliance with privacy laws and regulations.

Simplified Security Management

A structured approach to managing complex IT environments, including cloud services and IoT devices, that reduces the operational burden on your team.

Strategic Risk Management

A structured approach to managing complex IT environments, including cloud services and IoT devices, that reduces the operational burden on your team.

In partnering with us, you not only gain robust protection against evolving threats but also a dedicated ally committed to enhancing your organization's resilience, compliance, and operational efficiency.

The Privacy Rule establishes standards for the protection of individuals' medical records and other personal health information